This is the simplest camera imaginable, although the film is more or less impossible to find as it is a 127 (4 inch) square format rollfilm camera. It has a very pleasing style about it though so I will use it again.
This does have a very pleasing style about it. I wish I had not seen these lovely photos. For some unexplained reason, I have a fondness for this size film: 127 format. Is this the Efke or the Rollei film? And however did you scan it? I now have four cameras that use 127 film: a baby Rollei 4×4, a Ferrania Rondine, and two Bencini Comets (one makes square 4×4 images and the other makes 3×4 images.)
I was surprised too by how charming this camera is. I’m not sure what the film type is, it only says “retro” on the negative strips, but I know that Alice bought two rolls on Ebay last year. As for scanning, I put the negatives on the scanner with a piece of picture-frame glass on top of them! I have to say that I love this format too, and I plan on using this camera again. I keep thinking that it must be possible to cut down 120 film to 127 size. Would need some kind of jig with a stanley knife blade to run it through in the dark, but I’d love to use this camera with some Portra. Thanks Juliet, can’t wait to see your Baby Rollei prints xx
The “retro” refers to Rollei Retro film! I haven’t used it yet but there are some huge fans on Flickr and it comes in the 120 format as well. Apparently this film is very sensitive to the red end of the spectrum and I have seen examples where people have used it with dark red (IR) filters and processed it accordingly and acheived infra-red results (IR). I’m looking forward to getting my hands on some of this film myself to try it.
As for film splitters, there are people one ahead of you: This guy will sell you a custom one for $35 and his shipping is very reasonable too. He was highly recommended on Flickr. You can see the design of his slitting device on his website and it looks simple. If I had a drill, I might try to make one myself. But, $35 seems a reasonable investment since 127 film costs about $10 per roll and 120 film costs only about $5.50 or $6 per roll.
Here is the place to order Rollei film direct in Europe: I think they also sell a color 127 version as well as a “redscale” and cross-process version.
Efke also sells a 127 film. It has nice contrast and is about $1 cheaper than the Rollei film but the emulsion is very thin and it CURLS! like nothing you’ve ever seen. Kind of annoying. Also a hardener is recommended in the fix because the emulsion can come off easily. I have developed about three rolls now and I have been careful but one of my negatives did have a huge (relative) chunk come off, ruining that image.
But here is a link to buying Efke film:
Here is another Eurpoean source for 127 film:
Thank you for the info, very useful and I have emailed to check the availability of the film slicer, it seems like an ingenious solution BUT I have to say that the Rollei film is very attractive and as you say, it probably does account for some of the quality of these photos because there is a kind of IR edge to them in places. I’ll definitely try some colour in this too.
And CURLY film! It’s a nightmare
Yes, but they make the Rollei Retro film in 120 format too! Here in the States, the best source is Freestyle Photo and they 120 film goes for $7.19 and the 127 is $11.19 so, $4.00 more for the smaller format!
Doesn’t seem fair but, they probably have to pay more for the 127 reels? At any rate, it’s probably cheaper to buy the 120 and slice it down to 127 format.
I bought a couple more of the Rollei Retro last week. Do you know if you can get colour 127, or do you have to cut your own?
Yes! There is a Canadian company that makes it called Bluefire Murano. I have heard via the Flickr groups that they make only a limited amount, in small batches… meaning, it frequently is out of stock. This company here in the States sells it (Frugal Photographer): and here is another link:
The results I’ve seen on Flickr look amazing! I really like it and I hope to order some myself in the near future to try it.